The current economic scenario requires companies to face challenges that can not be addressed without resorting to a strategy that recognizes in the innovation of products and services offered to customers its guideline. Polibrixia, as well as being support for research in companies that want to innovate, every year invests a significant part in the internal development of new ideas.

Optimizing an NIV Mask Design with Multiphysics Simulation eng
August 13, 2020 By Brianne Christopher Follow the link

Hand Robotic Rehabilitation: From Hospital to Home
International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria Danube Region (06/2018) Authors Borboni, M. Serpe...

Differential System for Limb Rehabilitation: Advances in Theory and Practice
In book: New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics Authors Ceresoli, F. Aggogeri, C. Amici, A. Borb...

Preliminary Validation of a Device for the Upper and Lower Limb Robotic Rehabilitation
International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT) (10-2019) C. Amici, M. Ghidoni , F. Ceres...

Experimental characterisation and modelling of polyethylene terephthalate preform for injection stretch blow moulding
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 60(1):18 (01-2020) Abstract Polyethylene t...

Implementation of a Thermo-Hydrodynamic Model to Predict the Morton Effect
M. Antonini [1], D. Fausti [1], M. Mor [1], [1] PoliBrixia s.r.l., Brescia, Italy In this paper, the...

Simulation and Design of an Oven for PET Blow Molding Machines
M. Mor[1], C. Seneci[1], V. Zacché[1], C. Remino[1], G. Petrogalli[1], D. Fausti[1], [1]Polibrixia,...

Study and optimization of rotors for oil pumps for automotive use
Research activity carried out for Salei-SIL Lumezzane (Brescia), in collaboration with the Departmen...
The creativity and the excellence of applied research at the service of the industrial world: concrete solutions to improve your world